What has defined MAX for over half a century, has been our commitment to deliver an exceptional customer experience, every step of the way, no matter how big or small your business is. Whether it’s new product sales, parts, servicing and maintenance or simply advice and guidance, we’ll stand by what we commit to.
The Cyl-Sonic Micro performs ultrasound examinations of cylinders with 3.2” - 8.0” outside diameters; less than 30” long, the Micro easily fits on a cart for maximum flexibility and portability. The Cyl-Sonic Micro is the ideal system for facilities specializing in small-cylinder specialty gases, such as medical and beverage gases. In addition, the Micro is small enough to be portable — easily fitting on a cart to move to different locations as needed.
Cyl-Sonic Industrial
The Cyl-Sonic Industrial performs ultrasound examinations of cylinders with 4” - 12” outside diameters. The Cyl-Sonic Industrial also saves on personnel costs. Since operators don’t need to spend time drying and re-valving the cylinders, daily production levels can be much higher. In addition, the cost per cylinder test is lower for UE testing than hydrostatic testing.
Cyl-Sonic Tonne
The Cyl-Sonic Tonne performs ultrasound examinations of tonne containers with 18” - 26” outside diameters and up to 7.5’ lengths. The Cyl-Sonic Tonne system can be mounted on a skid, allowing you to easily move the entire testing system to multiple locations as needed. So, if you have production facilities across the country, you can ship the Cyl-Sonic+ Tonne system every few months to the location that has tonne cylinders ready for re-certification testing.